By: Guest Writer Toriano Davis
Is there a way to repeal this policy for those who aren’t fortunate enough to actually eat breakfast at their home?
In less than two weeks since school started, a new school rule has been set in place at Tuscarora: Students are expected to be finished with their breakfast and on their way to class by 8:54. Now, I do believe there must be some fair reasoning behind this new policy, so I interviewed our principal, Mrs. Jacobs. She set this policy in effect because of the rapid increase in school-wide tardiness. Three-fourths of the population of students who attended breakfast in the morning ended up arriving to class after 9:00. I may not be the most intelligent student when it comes to anything having to do with math, however, I am pretty sure that‘s a lot of tardy students. The tardy students also take time away from the administrators, who instead of attending to their everyday duties are busy signing off on tardy forms, detention slips, Friday School notices, and other paperwork. You’d think they had enough work to do, but now they have to take care of fully grown high school students. To top it off, the issue became a consistent problem during class for the teachers and students who were beginning a topic of instruction. After giving the student body ample amount of times to justify their actions, the issue never ceased to exist. 9:00 is instruction time, people, meaning you have to get to class ON TIME. “It is understood that in order to get a good learning experience you must have a nutritious breakfast, but it shouldn’t come at the cost of others learning processes,” says Mrs. Jacobs. I agree with that statement completely. No student should have to lose learning time for someone who repeatedly comes to class tardy.
Now many changes have been made to aid students who weren’t fortunate enough to actually eat breakfast on time due to the old bus schedule. The buses are now required to arrive at Tuscarora by 8:45 a.m. This allows students enough time to go into the cafeteria, get a quick grab-n-go breakfast, (courtesy of Mrs. Sopko and the cafeteria staff) and head off to their respective classes. School is a place of learning, and the fact that Mrs. Jacobs and our lunch manager, Mrs. Sopko, were gracious enough to work with the transportation and food service departments to make breakfast more convenient for the students shows how much they would give to help us perform more efficiently in school. So, why don’t we return the favor and make their jobs easier. Here are a few suggestions for those of you who won’t be able to make it to breakfast on time: ask your parents to buy easy grab-n-go breakfast items, wake up early enough to actually have time for breakfast which means get to bed on time, and all and all PLAN AHEAD!!
Opinion: Is the New Breakfast Policy for the Tuscarora Student Body Reasonable?
September 30, 2011
Tonia • Oct 13, 2011 at 11:04 am
Good job son!