By Theatre Department director Justin Daniel
Dear Mrs. Staley and the editors/staff of The Husky Headline,
My students and I just finished reading ALL the articles in the Husky Headline! KUDOS to excellent coverage of the show and awesome photography.
Words can not express the amount of appreciation we hold for the Op-ed about the importance of the Theatre Dept and the shout outs for future shows. Thank you to Lydia for a detailed review as well.
We look forward to seeing you at Steel Magnolias and Little Mermaid! Also, we will be hosting the Sectional VHSL Theatre conference this year on Saturday Jan 27 in the morning. The Dual Enrollment Theatre class has written a play about the life of Henri Toulouse Lautrec and his artwork. The women in the paintings come alive, it is fascinating and likely to garner some press. We will also be previewing it on Thursday January 11 after school before we take it to the State Thespian conference that weekend.
THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU for supporting the ARTS!!!!
Justin Daniel
Theatre Instructor