By: Lili Samios and Dagney Palmer
1. You have the once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to take both an AP test and an SOL in the same week, if not the same day! You lucky duck, you!
2. All of your end-of-the-year assignments and projects have a completely relevant, enjoyable, and meaningful point!
3. You get to enjoy an extra 14 built-in snow days at the end of the year full of enjoyment of pleasure!
4. We’re not allowed to watch movies in class, so you don’t have to worry about all those pointless, boring hours wasted; now you can spend more time learning!
5. Enjoy being able to walk through hallways this year, because next year you won’t be able to set foot in them without being horribly mangled by a horde of trampling, pubescent freshmen.
6. Savor these last few weeks of partaking in the palate-caressing delicacies of our very own Tuscarora cafeteria!
7. Feeling like you don’t have enough to work on at the end of the year? Never fear! Your teachers will probably assign a huge test and/or project that you’ll get to enjoy the pleasure of doing!
8. Don’t you hate the annoying, disruptive distraction of YouTube on the school computers? Don’t worry, SOLs will turn that right off for a good two weeks!
9. Feel like you don’t get to play enough educational Jeopardy throughout the year? Well you are in luck; prepare yourself for end of the year review games!
10. Getting tired of your bed, couch, TV, computer, pets, family, microwave, floor, and other annoying inconveniences of your own home? Not to worry, you can plan on spending at least 60+ hours a week here at your beloved school!!